
I’M Not Defecting To SDP, Barr Adu Tells Supporters

By Collins Dupson, 5th June, 2022

Barrister Olumuyiwa Adu has told his teeming followers to disregard the falsehood being peddling around on his plans defection to the Social Democratic Party, saying such rumour is coming from the imagination of the fifth columnist.

Adu, an aspirant in the just concluded People’s Democratic Party House of Representatives primaries said at no time did he thinks or discuss it with anybody of his defection to SDP.

Barrister Adu came second in the Akure South and Akure North Federal House of Representatives primary, scoring 19 votes as against the winner, Princess Kemi Adesanya who polled 38 votes.

Speaking with the PATH, Barr Adu said his loyalty and commitment to the People’s Democratic Party remains strong despite losing the primary.

” People’s Democratic Party is my party and I have no intention of leaving the party to any other political party. I am not a desperate politician that want to occupy position at all cost”.

He noted that he joined active politics with aim of changing the narrative of how governance should be, adding that the people’s welfare should be the focused of any responsible government.

” Unlike many that joined politics for personal and selfish gains, I am not one of them. I didn’t joined politics because of money but to ameliorate the suffering of my people who have been neglected and abandoned to their plight. I feel their pains and joining mainstream politics will give me added advantage to use instrument of office to bring dividend of democracy to their door steps”.

He promised to worked with the candidate of the party as a loyal party man, stressing the need for the party and the candidate to reach out to those who felt aggrieved with the outcome of the primary.

” As a party man, I will definitely work with the candidate but what of my teeming supporters who felt the mode of primary adopted was targeted to oust out the best aspirant that can win election for the party?

His words: It is painful but the deed has been done; we were caught unaware with the three delegates per ward because our thinking is that the same delegates used for the bye election will votes but it’s a pity that the best aspirant that can confidently win election for the party lost out”.

He thanked his supporters for believing in him, promising to continue to contribute his quota to the development of humanity within resources at his disposal.

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