


The first confirmed case of Corona Virus was discovered in Nigeria on the 27th February 2020 when an Italy citizen tested positive to the deadly virus in Lagos. Before that time, Nigeria government on the 28th of January 2020 assured the citizens of its readiness to strengthen surveillance at the five international airports across the country, following the outbreak of the virus in China, but as usual, it was more of lip service as many infected persons entered Nigeria with the virus, that marked the beginning of the spread.

Notable Nigerians were victim of the deadly virus; the Chief of Staff to the President top the list of those who have lost their lives despite huge resources at their disposal. It is a virus that respect no status, to some Nigerians, it is a virus of the rich considering the numbers of high profile personality in government that the virus has sent to their early grave.

The Nigeria Centre for Diseases Control (NCDC) and Presidential Task Force on Covid-19 are the two major bodies accountable to the President and briefing Nigerians of latest development; it was more of ditching out figures of the cases of affected and death index before the press on a daily basis than working toward a vaccine. NCDC on their part released preventive measures to be adopted by Nigerians in other not to be infected and also prevent community spreading.

To reduce the risk of spreading Covid-19, members of the public were advised to adhere strictly to frequent hand washing with soap, covering of nose and mouth with face mask, using of hand sanitizer and maintaining social distancing. At the first wave of the pandemic, Federal Government shut down the country for months and ensure strict compliance with the preventive measures of the United Nations and NCDC. The lock down led to hardship as many Nigerians could not afford to feed their families, also Nigeria as a nation is today suffering from recession. Can Nigerians and Nigeria Government afford second lock down?

The lift of ban on lock down by respective state and Federal Government were borne out of the cry of hardship on many Nigerians and not as if the virus is over. The Presidential Task Force and the State Task Force on Covid-19 who were found of giving daily and weekly briefing suddenly went solo, meaning the virus is taking more than necessary time to go. While many advanced countries are busy researching and working day in, day out to get a cure, our government is waiting for cure to buy. I am not surprise, we are nothing but a consuming nation.

Covid-19 has killed millions of people across the globe and more are dying on a daily basis. The United Nations envisage second wave of Corona Virus which the body says is likely to be more deadlier than the first wave, how are we managing the situation? Some countries have shut down to prevent spread, despite the discovery of vaccine by American government and vaccination, the country still maintain and abide by the measures guiding against the virus.

How is Nigeria Government managing the second wave of the virus? Nigerians have to return to the old order of wearing face mask, regular washing of hands with soap and use of sanitizer, maintaining social distancing among others. Let the Owambe party stop for now, let stop the shows and clubbing, events and film centres must stop and probably religion activities should hold on for the time being. All these measures must be strictly considered by the government; if the virus break, we don’t have the wherewithal to attack it. If million of Americans are dying despite their standard health facility, what will happen to Nigeria with poor health facility?

It will be more advisable if we can all shun crowded places, prevention is better than cure; remember we don’t have government that can stand for us and protect our lives. Let each state reopen its Isolation Centres and be prepared for worse. The second wave could be more deadly, I am not putting fear into anybody’s mind but we must do whatever it takes to protect our lives and others.

To those who are still doubting the authenticity of the virus, Corona Virus is for real, it has killed millions of people and many are dying every second. Stay safe, Corona Virus is spreading like wild fire.

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