CONVOY ATTACK: Report, Name Suspected Assailants To Police, Dr Wilson Ikubese Tells Apostle Johnson Suleiman

By Dupson Collins, 21st October 2022

The Convener of “YesWeFit” Revolutionary Movement Dr Thomas-Wilson Ikubese has asked Apostle Johnson Suleiman to report and name the suspected assailants that attacked his convoy to the police.

Gunmen on Friday attacked the convoy of the President, Omega Fire Ministries Worldwide, Apostle Johnson Suleman, along Benin–Auchi Road, Edo State, and killed three cops and four others.

It was gathered that the cleric returned from a foreign trip and was heading for a destination in the state when the gunmen attacked his convoy.

Dr Ikubese condemned the brutal attack on the convoy of the Man of God, saying he receives the news of the attack with rude shock.

While commiserating with the pastor and families of people that lost their love ones in the attack, Dr Ikubese charged Apostle Suleiman to revealed the identity of those behind the attack to prevent them from further attack in the society.

The statement released on his Facebook Account Read: “ATTACK ON APOSTLE JOHNSON SULEMAN’S CONVOY: A CALL FOR INTERVENTION”.

Last night, I received with shock, the news of the brutal attack on the convoy of Apostle Johnson Suleman of the Omega Fire Ministry on his way back to Auchi, where seven people were killed from gunshots in what appeared like an assassination attempt.

While I commiserate with the Apostle and the families of those who lost their lives in that incident, it has become pertinent to address the meat of the matter.

In a video posted on his church’s TV social media pages, the man of God said he knew those behind the attack but won’t be mentioning them.

“People who did this are expecting me to come out and mention their names, so they can come out and deny it but I won’t do that. The truth of the matter is, you can’t kill me, my life is in the hand of God, I’m a man of God”, he said.

The Apostle’s statement infers that he knows the killers but won’t mention their names which in the eyes of the law is a conspiracy to prevent justice, for one who witnessed the commission of a crime and knows the perpetrators, has an obligation to report what he knows to the police, otherwise be viewed as an accessory to the crime.

In the light of the aforesaid, I urge the man of God to do the needful by reporting this incident to the police and mention to them his suspected assailants.

This gesture will serve two purposes;

1. It will grant repose to the soul of the seven persons on his entourage who were murdered in cold blood and succor to their families, that those who cut their lives short are not left to walk freely on the streets.

2. It will prevent these marksmen from committing further havocs in society when they are rounded up and made to face the law.

While the man of God and the families of the deceased yet mourn, it will do society good if Apostle does the needful.

Thomas-Wilson Ikubese
22nd October, 2022.

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