
Ondo Govt Reads Riot Act To Cultists, Culpable To Face Law

October 16,2021

Dupson Collins

Ondo State Government has read its riot act to cultists disturbing the peace of the state through their nefarious act most especially in Owo and Igbokoda, saying any one caught terrorising the existing peace of the state will face the law.

In a Press Statement released by the Commissioner of Information and Orientation, Donald Ojogo said the state government will not condone any act that will jeopardise government effort in ensuring life and property of its citizens are protected.

The Press Statement read: Cult-related Violence: Enough Is Enough

The Ondo State Government has noted with great concern, the rising cases of cult-related clashes in some communities in the State. Of specific note is the incesaant unease in Owo as well as the unwanton violence that was unleashed at Igbokoda, the headquarters of Ilaje Local Government Area which led recorded casualties in the last three days.

This ugly trend, aside its unacceptably despicable nature, depicts the very opposite of what this Government stands for, which is, peace at all costs.

In particular, the latest developments, particularly that which that led to the unfortunate loss of souls at Igbokoda paints the height of brazen lawlessness. This is most unacceptable. Enough is enough.

Henceforth, Government’s position on the lawlessness in the State, especially in Owo and Ilaje Local Government Areas shall neither be palliative nor persuasive. It shall be decisive.

Therefore, all stakeholders, particularly Traditional Rulers in all affected areas are enjoined to rein in their subjects, wards and supporters as Government’s resolve to enforce peace shall be unspiring of anyone found culpable.

In this regard, security agencies are enjoined to ensure strict and decisive compliance of already laid down processes toward compelling peace and harmony. No one, no matter highly placed, must be spared in the course of this.

While appreciating all stakeholders of goodwill who have demonstrated enormous readiness to engender peace, all residents in the State are enjoined to eschew violence and imbibe good neighbourliness.

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