
Ise Emure Grammar School ’82 Set Holds Annual Reunion Meeting as Engr Oloruntola Becomes President

By Dupson Collins, 15th October, 2023

The Ise Emure Grammar School 1982 Set has held its 2023 Annual Reunion Meeting in Akure, Capital City of Ondo State where new Executives were elected.

The Meeting which is an annual get together for Class ’82 took place at the NSE Hall Akure on Saturday 14th October, 2023.

In his welcome address, the outgoing president, Barr Biodun Fasakin thanked every member and executives for their cooperation and support throughout his four years tenure.

“41 years ago is not a joke nor Tea Party after graduating from secondary school; it is a great honour to lead the association for the past four years, I can only thank you for your support and encouragement”.

Fasakin said his leadership of the Class ’82 has brought Unity and Love among them saying despite challenges which are not insurmountable, the cooperation among the Excos and Members has helped him to paddle the affairs of the association successfully.

He added that in his four years tenure, the Covid-19 pandemic has adverse effects on the activities of the association, noting that insipte of this shortcoming, they were able to keep themselves together.

Fasakin further stated that his ability to keep a united house where Love radiate is one of his major achievements as the Association’s President.

” Unlike other schools that have a place they could refer as their Alma Mater, in our own case, our school is today accommodating Ekiti State NYSC Camp and the best for us is to keep ourselves together and render financial assistance to the needy among us”.

He charged the newly elected Excos to keep the flag flying and never hesitate to seek for support from previous Executives, more also continue to crop for members who are reluctant to join the association.

Meanwhile, to usher in new executives, election was conducted under the Chairmanship of Mr Oluayo Oguntuase where some members were elected into different positions.

Engr Ezekiel Oloruntola elected President, Kehinde Adaramoye, Vice President, Barr Idowu Owoeye, Secretary, Mrs Bunmi Boateng Treasurer, Mrs Okunola Yetunde, Financial Secretary, Pastor Kehinde Ojuoluwa, PRO, Mrs Bisi Ojuawo, Social Welfare and Taiwo Oguniyi, Assistant Secretary.

In his acceptance speech, the President, Engr Ezekiel Oloruntola thanked the members for counting him worthy and believing in his capacity to lead the association, demanding for maximum cooperation of both the Excos and Members to move the association to the next level.

His words: ” My election is God doing though I have a hint that some people are rooting for me to take over from Barr Fasakin but what I could fathom out is that when some people see the level of responsibility in you, they are ready to support you”.

Engr Oloruntola promised to kick start his administration with opening of Bank Account for the association for proper accountability, transparency and probity.

He also assured the association of mobilizing more active members saying the turn out for next Reunion is going to be impressive as his leadership will introduce Online participation for members in Nigeria and disapora.

The highlight of the program was the presentation of Awards to some members who have distinguished themselves in their chosen career and also contributed to the growth of the association.

The Pioneer President, Mr Oluayo Oguntuase, Mr Joseph Koleola Ojo and Barr Kolapo Kolade SAN were conferred with Award of Excellence. In the same vein, the immediate past president, Barr Biodun Fasakin was also honoured.

The Planning Committee made provision for enough food, drinks and stand up Musician for the entertainment of members and their families.

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