
INTER BRIGADE MILITARY QUIZ COMPETITION: How Oyemekun Grammar School Emerges First Runner Up

.Path reporter

In the just concluded Inter Brigade Military Quiz held in Ibadan, Oyo State, Oyemekun Grammar School, Akure representing Ondo State at the competition came second among over 25 competing states of the federation.

Speaking with the PATH in his office, the principal of Oyemekun Grammar School, Akure, Mr Ogunleye Okeowo said the excellence performance of the students in the competition was due to hardworking and dedicated teachers who were determined to give their best to the academic pursuit of the boys.

The Principal who could not hide his joy said he was proud of his boys who have made the state proud among comity of states that participated in the competition.

Mr Ogunleye said Oyemekun was able to beat other states to the second place title race because of the preparedness of the students and knowledge impacted into the students by the workaholic teachers of the school who have equipped them with adequate academic materials.

He thanked the state government and Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education for granting the school request to represent the state at the competition.

According to him, ” out of over 25 states that participated in the competition, Oyemekun Grammar School came second; it is the host state, Oyo State that came first, which means our boys performance was exceptional at the competition”.

The Principal commended the teachers of the school for being up and doing, giving their best in ensuring the students have the best education money can buy.

He charged the students to be more studious and always take their education with utmost seriousness, saying no success can be achieved on a platter of gold.

” I am using this medium to appeal to the students to stop wasting their precious time, but rather inculcate the habit of reading and attending classes. Oyemekun Grammar School is the best and we shall continue to maintain that standard at all times”.

Meanwhile, Mr Ogunleye commended the massive turnout of the students as they resumed for third term after a week break. ” We recorded 3200 students in attendance on the first day of resumption”.

He said third term is more of academic activities than extra curriculum, adding that beehives of academic activities like Principal’s Test, Comprehensive teaching, Mid-Term Test, Counseling of the students among other have been lined up for the promotion term.

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