
Excitement as Rep Akingbaso flags-Off Massive Rural Roads Rehabilitation

By Kelvin

In fulfilment of his electioneering promises to his people, Member representing Idanre/Ifedore Federal Constituency at the House of Representatives and Vice Chairman of the House Committee on Aviation, Hon Festus Akingbaso has flagged-off rural roads rehabilitation in the federal constituents.

The flagged off of the road rehabilitation was held at Aba Aye Intersection yesterday 18th January 2024 .

The Senior Legislative Aide (SLA) to the Federal Lawmaker, Hon. Oluwole represented the Hon Festus Akingbaso at the flagged off along other aides and Baale Onijoka, Baale Oyinlade Olaniyi, Baale Aye, Baale Agbelese Dare, Baale Olorunda, Baale Oguntoye Olaniyi amongst others which included Mr Aladegbo Wale from Ero/Ibuji/Mariwo ward and incidentally the chairman of the respective wards in the local government were all present.

The majority of the dwellers in the Idanre/Ifedore Federal Constituency are predominantly farmers, who major in both cash and arable crops for resources and sustainable livelihood. The access roads to their villages, hoods and camps are majorly in poor shape due to torrential downpours, poor road maintenance and their terrains. Some parts of these hinterlands are cut off from the cosmopolitan due to a bad road network.

Bearing these hardships encountered by these segments of the society, the member, representing the Idanre/Ifedore federal constituency at the national assembly, Hon Festus Olarewaju Akingbaso while campaigning noticed these and the same came up as Chief Olu Cladius Ademehintoye raised the point at the Town Hall meeting /Stewardship account by rendered by Hon. Akingbaso on the 5th of January at the Owa of Idanre Palace.

Hon. Fakologbon appreciated their presence and said only the community heads were involved for Strategic purposes and promised them that more dividends of democracy would be in the offing. Responding Baale Oguntoye Olaniyi appreciated the facilitator of the projects and prayed for his well-being and divine guidance.

The grading of the road began thereafter as it led to Mount Gilgar where the founder showed massive appreciation, remarking that he was asked to pay a huge amount of money before the road could receive attention but that God had sent a helping hand to solve the problem.

Further works extended to Olorunda, Onijaka and so on, all in igbara Oke zone. After an exhaustive eight hours of work, the team retreated and to start from where they stopped the next day, till most lands are covered.

Road users, passers-by and dwellers showed massive appreciation to the facilitator of the project.
Team fessy

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