
PDP Federal Lawmaker, Festus Akingbaso Appoints 72 Aides

By Dupson Collins, 2nd October, 2023

A Federal Lawmaker, Hon Festus Akingbaso, representing Idanre/Ifedore Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives has approved the appointment of 72 Legislative Aides and Special Assistants.

The Vice Chairman on Aviation made the announcement in a statement released on Monday 2nd, 2023.

While the Legislative Aides are to work closely with the Lawmaker at the National Assembly, the special assistants would represent various special interests including women, youth, students among others in the federal constituency.

The aides who are to serve in different capacities were picked across the two local government areas of the federal constituency.

In his letter of appreciation, Hon Akingbaso pledged his unalloyed assurance to the people of the constituents that dividends of democracy would be shared across all boards.

He added that the list of his Aides is not comprehensive enough to contain all the names of people that worked tirelessly for his emergence, assuring them of several benefits in the National Assembly that many of his supporters will benefit from.

” I am assuring you that various dividend of democracy like job/employment opportunities, project/contract, empowerment and others will be spread across for many to benefit in our constituency, the Lawmaker Stated”.

Fessywest noted that 15 additional Aides will be considered outside the political structure based on community interest and request.

The break down of the aides are 4 Legislative aides, 7 Special Assistants (Media), 5 Special Assistants (Diaspora), 7 Special Assistants (Community Relation), 9 Special Assistants (Political), 6 Special Assistant (Women Affairs), 8 Special Assistants (Education), 7 Special Assistants (Youth Affairs), 3 Special Assistants (Photography), 6 Special Assistants (Social/Sport Activities) and 10 Special Assistants ( Mobilization).

Letters of appointment are due for presentation to the appointees at a later date at the constituency office, the release read.

Meanwhile, the Lawmaker retained all the aides that worked with him while serving as Member of Ondo State House of Assembly.

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