


One Governor in Nigeria that prioritize the security of lives and property of his citizens is Arakunrin Oluwarotimi Akeredolu SAN; he takes no chances in being proactive whenever issue of security is brought to his table.

While many State Governors were foot dragging on taking proactive steps in curbing insecurity, he came up with idea of regional security network, code named AMOTEKUN. His activeness has made Ondo State one of the most peaceful States in Nigeria. He speaks to Power that be without fear or favour, a courageous man who will never compromise the safety of his people.

The Owo terror attack came as a surprise, where over 40 innocent worshippers met their untimely death. If a governor could be shedding tears, seeing how the Catholic Church in Owo was littered with the blood and bodies of women and children, it could only be devil himself at work.

Ever since the massacre, the governor has not relented in making sure the perpetrators are brought to book. Amotekun Security Network in collaboration with other security agencies are working around the clock; one thing that can console the family of the deceased is to hear the news that the attackers have been arrested. They want to see the faces of the people that sent their love ones to early grave.

Kudos to the DSS, Nigerians Military and sister security agencies for the arrest of the perpetrators and their accomplices. It a major breakthrough to the government of Ondo State who allow truth to prevail. Governor Akeredolu will never shield any criminals.

Before now, one of the major security menace threatening the peace of Ondo State is Kidnapping; many people have been kidnapped and made to pay ransom before regaining their freedom, some were not lucky to return to their family alive. The Government of Ondo in collaboration with Security Agencies have made some breakthrough, yet, this criminal act is becoming a daily business for the criminals. Ondo North Senatorial District is the major operational axis, mostly in Akoko region.

Some of the kidnapped victims while giving account of their ordeals in the hands of the kidnappers always made mentioned of the Fulani people but a new twist has been added into the “business” as security reports have shown that some criminals minded Ebira people have dropped cutlasses and hoes to join the kidnapping business.

Reading riot act to the Ebiras resident in the state, Governor Akeredolu has called on leaders of the Ebira community in the state to warn their young ones not to copy the bad venture of kidnapping.

The Governor said recent reports from victims of kidnap in the state have established that some Ebira indigenes are now involved in the unwholesome act.

He noted that the Ebiras have lived together with the people of the state peacefully for several decades, adding that they have always been supportive and hardworking.

“I want to use this medium to urge our brothers to concentrate on their farming trade. It will be unfortunate to know that the Ebiras in our midst are now involved in kidnapping.

“We are appealing to them not to copy bad thing. The traders selling by the road side should not become informants. We are not fighting them.

“We have seen their numbers, they supported and voted for us during elections. I will call their leaders and talk to them. Our brothers who were kidnapped on their way to Ikare, talk to them. They were taken to Ebira farmsteads.

“For me, we have lived together for too long for this to happen. I am ready to make any effort to ensure that the conviviality that we have enjoyed continues. But we are begging their leaders to urge them not to copy bad thing. They are in our midst , we are surrounded by them. The issue of security is key and it’s dynamic.” Governor Akeredolu noted.

Crime has no colour, tribe or religion; it is high time leaders of the Ebira community in Ondo State call their children to order. Fulani and the people of the state have lived together peacefully for decades before turning themselves to monsters and security risk in the state. Ebira are known to be hardworking, joining gang to terrorize the people shouldn’t be taken lightly by the government. Let’s us stand up in one voice to say no to Kidnapping, no to Terrorism and banditry.

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